The Angel Heart Web Ring Graphic Was Created By J. Ann Masiker
Click On The Banner Above To Visit The Artist

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Welcome To The Angel Heart Web Ring

The Angel Heart Web Ring Was Created To Join
People And Websites Together Who Believe In Angels

Do You Believe In Angels ?
Or Share A Love For Angels?

If So Feel Free To Join The Angels Heart Web Ring
But Please Read The Web Ring Rules Before You Submit Your Site

This Is How The Ring Will Look On Your Site

User Permission Granted
@ J. Ann Masiker

This Angel Heart site
owned by Lady Monica

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You Will Need To Save The Above Graphic To Your Own Computer

1) Your Site Must Be About Angels (not just a page of links)
Memorial or dedications Web Sites Are Welcome To Join

2)No Adult related site will be allowed in the ring
Please submit your site only if it is a family safe site

3) You must place the code on the page you submit to the ring
Please upload the ring graphic to your own server
Do Not Link The Graphic To My Server

4)You have 7 days to place the code on your site
If you do not place the html ring code on your site within
this time period your site will be removed without notice.

Please save this graphic to your own computer
(right click----Save Picture As)

After You Have Submitted Your Site To The Angel Heart Web Ring
You Will Be Emailed The Html Code To Be Placed On Your Homepage

When You Are Ready To Be Added To The Ring
Please Email (Lady Monica) So That I Can Review Your Site

Website Designed By Lady Monica Copyright © 2001-2002 All Rights Reserved
Art Work By © J. Ann Masiker User Permission Granted
Page Was Last Updated On November 10, 2001
This Site Is Best Viewed By Explorer 5.0 Or Better